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Azərbaycanın iri şirkətlər qrupu xarici bankdan borc aldı

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Azərbaycanın iri şirkətlər qrupu xarici bankdan borc aldı

Avropa Yenidənqurma və İnkişaf Bankı (EBRD) "Veysəloğlu Qrup"a 3,5 milyon avro və yaxud 7 milyon manat kredit ayırıb.

EBRD-nin yaydığı məlumata görə, bununla bağlı Bankın Direktorlar Şurası qərar qəbul edib.


Borcun məqsədi koronavirus (COVID-19) pandemiyasının şirkətə təsirini azaltmaq və likvidlik problemini aradan qaldırmaqdır.


DFF - Veysaloglu Group

Location: Azerbaijan

Project number: 52064

Business sector: Agribusiness

Notice type: Private

Environmental category: B

Approval date: 22 Sep 2020

Status: Approved

PSD disclosed: 23 Oct 2020

As permitted by paragraph 2.6 of Section III of the Access to Information Policy, disclosure of this PSD was deferred in accordance with paragraph 1.4.4 of the Directive on Access to Information.

Project Description

The project consists of financing of the Group's working capital and liquidity requirements that would be needed in case of Covid-19 and its related impacts are prolonged for unforeseeable future.

This project was approved in the context of the Bank's response to the Covid-19 pandemic. To avoid delays to the delivery of this project, the Bank's President granted a deviation from the ordinary timelines for PSD disclosure, as contemplated by Section V of the Directive on Access to Information. Details of the Bank's response to Covid-19, and this deviation, can be found on our website.

Project Objectives

The main objective of the project is to provide the Group with access to financing in cases of liquidity and working capital needs. 

Transition Impact

ETI score: 125

The transition impact for this project is aligned with the Bank's Covid-19 Solidarity Package, which adopts a streamlined rating approach. This project aims to address potential liquidity issues that may arise as a result of the current Covid-19 crisis and safeguard the transition impact objectives of the previous transaction with the client, which include: (i) market expansion through backward linkages and (ii) improved standards of corporate governance.

Client Information


Veysaloglu Yayijili Gardashlari LLC and Veysaloglu LLC ("Veysalolgu", the "Group" or "Co-Borrowers") are a privately owned distributor of branded food products and confectionary manufacturer in Azerbaijan. 

EBRD Finance Summary

AZN 7,000,000.00

A senior secured local currency loan of AZN 7m (EUR 3.5m) for financing of the Group's working capital requirements and liquidity needs. 

Total Project Cost

AZN 7,000,000.00

The loan is a stand-by facility, which will be used in cases of liquidity and working capital needs. 


The loan will provide necessary liquidity and a working capital buffer that are much needed under adverse market conditions. The Bank's additionality also stems from its ability to provide financing in local currency, at the time when local banks have been scaling down access to financing with access to local currency financing being constrained, as well as its ability to provide a longer tenor and a payment structure that is not readily available from local banks.

Environmental and Social Summary

Category B (2019 ESP).  This is an existing client of the Bank that has been performing and reporting in a satisfactory manner. Due diligence has involved review of the client's historical performance and reporting on existing and previous projects. The client has the capability and capacity to maintain performance in line with the performance requirements and no Environmental and Social Action Plan is required for the proposed transaction. 

Technical Cooperation and Grant Financing


26.10.2020 14:05

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